Thursday, August 25, 2005

"Heavens Tears"

Out my window, pouring rain.
Falling from the stars domain.

Heavens tears, to bring us life.
Drownding sorrow, pain and strife.

Washing all my fears away.
Drenched in happiness I 'll stay.

Drops of wisdom, sinking in,
Through my ever lucid skin.

To cleanse my soul, and set me free,
Heavens tears, sent just for me.


Abigail Alexis~ said...

This peom is about letting go off emotional baggage.

Abigail Alexis~ said...

I just wanted to say, that when I refur to heaven, I just mean the heavens, meaning sky, and it has nothing to do with believing that God lives up there.

theBlueNibble said...

lol .... complete with explanation!
really nice poem. wish it rained here!!

Abigail Alexis~ said...

Hurrican Katrina turned after hitting Miammi, so not bad here at all we were lucky. I was a little nervious, after our close call with the small tornado, about a week ago. This house is made of wood, but has stood through many hurricans. Anyway, we were spared, and I was happy we never lost power. :)

Abigail Alexis~ said...

Blue Nibble,

I am so happy you like my peom. :)

Maybe it will ran there today. :)

shari said...

Beautiful poem Abbey.

Abigail Alexis~ said...

Thank you Shari, you are always so kind. :)