Friday, August 12, 2005

"Corn Mother" Scetch in Pencil


Abigail Alexis~ said...

The first time I saw a Corn Mother, I was five years old and living in Arizona with my Family. Both of my parent were taking pottery class at the Unv. and I taged alone while they worked on there projects in the art dep..Oh, how I used to love to go there. Art everywere.Artist everywere.All different styles and ideas.Anyway, one time, I walked in and saw these beautiful women made out of clay. Some had children.Lots, clingging to there hair and clothes. I wanted one so bad. Many years latter, someone gave my Father this one as a gift.I had to draw it. I was thirteen.

Abigail Alexis~ said...

g_samsa, you sound like you know far more about this than I. I would love to know, if you could find out?

Abigail Alexis~ said...

The Artist that made the Corn Mothers at the Unv. was Native American, and a friend of my Fathers.

shari said...

That's beautiful. The corn mother's are made fom clay? Are they painted?

Abigail Alexis~ said...

What I know of Corn Mothers is, that each one is different. Some are more human looking while others have the round face, round mouth, as if singing. Thier bodys are made to look like an ear of corn. The often have children that they are carrying. I do believe that g_sama is right about Corn Mothers being a Native American goddess. That was what I was thaught as well, however I always believed the Corn Mother was a Female goddess, and that she symblized furtility or Femaninity.Corn Mothers are made out of clay, and this one was glazed.

Abigail Alexis~ said...

*g_samsa I mean. Sorry, I left out the S.

Abigail Alexis~ said...

According to legend, the gift of corn was given to The People by the corn Mothers. In time, they took their gift for granted and were no longer grateful. Disappointed at the careless treatment of their gift, the Corn Mothers abandoned The People and went into hiding. Soon The People were dying of hunger because of their own neglect. Realizing that only the Corn Mothers could save them from ruin, they launched a desperate search.

Abigail Alexis~ said...

g_samsa, many of the old female gods of the past, were later changed,or replaced with male gods. In this male domminated world, women with power,wiether real or not, are feared.I believe that many of the early gods were deppicted as female, because females tend to be more nurturing. I have scearched around on the net, and I see writings on when Jesus came, and the Corn Mothers left. As Christianity spread, many formmer reliogions were wiped out.Thanks for the post, I learned a lot in my research. :)