Saturday, September 17, 2005

" Water Lily " Pencil by AB


Abigail Alexis~ said...

Trying to get back into the swing of things.
I was being watched while I finished this piece, and that was a bit unnerving. Hope you all enjoy anyway. AB

Val said...

I really like this one. Who was watching you? Mind if I make it my desktop wallpaper?


Raju PP said...

awwwwwwww... its so coooooool!!!
awesome sketch AB :)
hatz off to ya :)

Abigail Alexis~ said...


My friends twelve year old son wants me to teach him to draw, and he sat here, and wouldnt leave. LOL. He is a great kid thaugh. :) Do you realy want to use my picture as well paper! That realy flattering Val, gee thanks, go right ahead ! LOL.


Thank you for coming back to my blog. I used to post at least one new picture every day. I am working on a few other projects now,and have been very busy, but I would like to get back to posting at least one poem, or picture every other day. Thank you for the nice comments, I hope you will continue to visit my blog! AB