Tuesday, July 26, 2005

"Where is The Love ?"

Where is the love, in this world today.
Where is the love we have given away.
In our homes, in our schools, at our work, on the street,
where is the love in the people we meet.
Have we forgotten that good is in all.
In every thing, whether large or small.
And if you spite your fellow man,
you're cutting of your own right hand.
for rich or poor, young or old,
if you treat them all like gold,
they will notice that you care,
and good will notice that you're there.

1 comment:

Abigail Alexis~ said...

I like what you wrote. I am not and have never been a Christian. My Mother is Unitarian, my step Dads Jewish, and my Father is Hindu. I dont know if god is real, and if god is real, whos to say what god is.When I refure to god in my poems, I picture nature,and the laws of sience.

I agree with you that there is both good and evil in everyone.I do think that as we all evalve, what is consitterd evil is changing.

I do believe in Karma.For evey action, there is equal and oppissate reaction.That is what I was speeking of in my poem. ~Angery Butterfly~